Sandy Jones-Kaminski, CCO, Bella Domain Media
Sandy Jones-Kaminski wrote the book on networking – literally. She’s the author of, “I’m at a Networking Event–Now What???: A Guide to Making the Most Out of Any Networking Event”, and the ebook, LinkedIn Savvy for Small Business.
In her career, she’s moved from account management to corporate sales, to strategic business development, to social strategy consultant to author and LinkedIn trainer. Sandy shows solo entrepreneurs, small business owners, career climbers, and corporate executives how to raise their visibility, grow their business and generate opportunities with LinkedIn and social media marketing activities.
Sandy has built her practice so that 95% of her consulting, speaking engagements and mentoring clients come from LinkedIn – as a result of her maximized profile, her activity on social media, and the zero-cost marketing techniques she uses on LinkedIn, Twitter and occasionally, Instagram, Facebook, and other digital platforms.
Thanks to her vast knowledge and areas of expertise, not to mention her preferred status as a LinkedIn expert (as designated by LinkedIn), Sandy’s professional advice and expertise are sought after and sourced by publications and media, including;, Fox Business, The Seattle Times, Successful Women Talk, Yahoo! Small Business, Business Insider, Smart Brand Marketing, Women in Consulting, ABWA, and radio shows including The Social Light, Selling in a Skirt, American Marketing Association Radio, and Pay It Forward Radio.
A former business development exec and VP of Networking for one of the largest chapters of the American Marketing Association, as well as a former Chicago Greeter, Sandy’s been helping professionals and business owners communicate and network for years and is known for her energetic, engaging, and authentic presentations. She knows how to make connections matter, generate opportunities, facilitate great networking events, and create what she refers to as good “social karma.”
Sandy shares her professional insights via webcasts, one-on-one coaching, speaking engagements, workshops, and by facilitating in-person networking events called Pay It Forward Parties. She works with companies, organizations, and individuals in the San Francisco Bay Area, and worldwide by video-conferencing.
Her networking book was the #1 pick on the 2010 Business Book Wish List.
You can connect with her on LinkedIn or this page here on
Clients also actively seek out Sandy as a LinkedIn, social media, career management, professional networking, and personal branding expert. Above is a short video to see her in action.
Want to discuss your need? Click here to schedule a quick, 15-minute, no-obligation chat or contact Sandy here.
Featured in and/or contributes to:
- Yahoo! Small Business
- Bankrate
- BlogHer
- You’re Hired!
- Take the Lead
- Successful Women Talk
- University of Phoenix
- Fox Business News
- Selling in a Skirt
- The Seattle Times
- The Salary Reporter
- Business2Community
- onTargetjobs
- Pay It Forward Radio
- CareerBliss
- Smart Brand Marketing
- The Introvert Entrepreneur
- The Boomer Business Owner
- Showcasing Women
- LearnSavvy
- Silicon Valley Business
We’re pleased to introduce Sandy Jones-Kaminski, networking guru and author of I’m at a Networking Event – Now What??? During the Newbie Breakfast, Sandy will help you step away from your inner wallflower, overcome your shyness, and effectively network at this year’s event. – Dresden Shumaker, BlogHer ’13
Beyond self-promotion, Sandy believes networking builds community and creates healthier and stronger business environments. She also believes that it’s the powerful combination of LinkedIn and offline networking that will bring you the very best results. At her events or speaking engagements, Sandy prides herself on creating a comfortable, yet dynamic environment where people always leave feeling energized, empowered, more connected and confident about the quality of the new connections made as well as their ability to recreate the experience on their own in the future.
“The Suze Orman of LinkedIn”
She’s been an active and daily user/member of LinkedIn since early 2004, has attended multiple in-depth training sessions delivered by LinkedIn’s own executives, was invited to participate in their 100M member campaign and to provide direct feedback on LinkedIn’s tools for trainers, and is a member of the Friends of LinkedIn group which she was invited to join back in 2009. In Nov 2014, Sandy was handpicked by LinkedIn to be the sole marketing speaker at their LinkedIn Live event in Silicon Valley and frequently provides usability feedback directly to LinkedIn’s product managers.
To invite Sandy to speak to your group, find her Speaker’s page HERE.
Visit the Facebook Fan page for the book: I’m at a Networking Event — Now What??
“I’m confident that I’m the best person to show you how to master all of the above so you too can gain competitive advantage and effectively leverage tools like LinkedIn and others to be seen, found and connected. Sign-up to receive helpful tips, practical advice and savvy tools, or check out the Work With Me page to learn about the business boosting packages and tools I offer small business owners, entrepreneurs, corp execs and growing companies alike!”
– Sandy Jones-Kaminski
Hope to hear from you soon!
Phone: 1.415.613.8508
Bella Domain Media
28 Second St., Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94105
You can also connect via:

Check out her “Networking Know-How” page on Facebook.
Short version bio: Sandy Jones-Kaminski is the Chief Connecting Officer at Bella Domain Media, a published author, and in-demand speaker. As a business mentor with 20+ yrs of marketing and business development experience from working at both startups as well as a corporate executive, she helps solo entrepreneurs, corporate executives and small to midsize business owners establish thought leadership, market their brands and grow their businesses through a proprietary process that maximizes LinkedIn, online and offline networking tactics, social selling and content strategies all to maximize their digital footprints. More at or Twitter: @sandyjk.
From Sandy:
I use TimeTrade to schedule all of my appointments. It’s saving me time and lets people book meetings with me 24/7. Use this tool to set up a free 15 min “let’s connect” call.
Why the sunflower?

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